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Corporate Banking of Jamuna Bank PLC offers customized corporate banking solution for both its local Business Houses as well as Multinational Companies. The axiom of Jamuna Bank PLC’s Corporate Banking services is to nurture Relationship Banking by maintaining strong relationship with premier corporate business houses of the country providing their requirement based financial and other banking services.

Jamuna Bank PLC’s Corporate Banking Division is well equipped with skilled and experienced personnel who have vast exposure in this area and who being Relationship Managers maintain one to one relationship with all corporate business houses having relationship with the Bank. Relationship Managers are relentless in meeting the exact need and any emergency requirement of the corporate customers.

Areas of Corporate Banking

JBL’s Corporate Banking exposure is concentrated in diversified areas of business that include:

1. Spinning
2. Textile
3. Garment
4. Garments Accessories
5. Iron & Steel
6. Cement
7. Building Materials
8. Furniture & Furniture materials
9. Edible Oil
10. Food & Beverage items
11. Various Trading
12. Ship Building
13. Ship Breaking
14. Infrastructure Building & Construction
15. Electronics & Electrical Equipments
16. Agro & Agro Products
17. Transport
18. Real Estate
19. Telecommunication

Corporate Banking offers

JBL Corporate Banking offers a wide range of financial solutions through both Conventional and Islamic Banking products that include-

Project Finance is allowed for both new project and expansion of existing project by financing mainly capital machinery at a desired debt-equity in the form of Term Loan preferably up to 5 years, Hire Purchase, Lease Finance. However, for exceptionally desired Project, JBL also extends financing for factory building. For promoting Green Banking, JBL gives priority for financing ETP and other environmental friendly arrangements

JBL prefers for being the lone banker in Project Financing. However, for economically desired projects, JBL offers Project Financing through loan syndication and take part in syndication.

Working Capital Finance is the preferred area for JBL Corporate Banking. It offers wide range of products for meeting the working capital requirement of all types of industrial units, trading houses and commercial houses. JBL meets the working capital requirement not only of local but also of international businesses requiring import-export supports through Trade Finance.

Various working capital modes of Finances that JBL offers for those business houses that procure raw materials/ Stocks-in-trade from local market are as follows:

Cash Credit (Hypothecation) popularly known as CC (Hypo) that requires mainly for financing local procurement of raw materials/ Stocks-in-trade. CC(Hypo) is revolving in nature given for one year and is renewed for further period based on satisfactory turnover.

Time Loanis a preferred mode of working capital finance for procuring local raw materials/stocks-in-trade. Time Loan is given for a specific period matching with the operating cycle i.e. 30 to 60 days for trading and 90 to 180 days for manufacturing houses.

Cash Credit (Pledge) known as CC (Pledge) is offered for those business houses which cannot offer adequate/requisite collateral security. In this case, the Bank allows finance for purchasing raw materials/stocks-in-trade from local market allowing drawing through Pay Order directly in the name of supplier(s). Goods procured are stored in the godown under lock & key of the Bank. Customers release goods through Delivery Order (DO) by making proportionate payment against goods.

whatever, whenever you require, we want to deliver.

Offers for importers

Various supports that JBL offers for importers are as follows:

Import Support: JBL Corporate Banking extends all out supports to Importers by allowing Irrevocable Letter of Credit both sight and deferred term basis advising and even confirming the same through its wider correspondent network.

Post Import Finance:

Loan against Trust Receiptpopularly known as LTR is allowed as post import working capital finance for a period of mainly 45 days to 90 days for trading and 90 days to 180 days for manufacturing houses. This is a preferred mode of finance since it is a short-term facility.

Time Loanis allowed in very special cases considering the creditworthiness, reputation and/or security position of the customer for supporting a part of duty structure against high volume imported consignment.

Loan against Imported Merchandise known as LIM is offered for those business houses which cannot offer adequate/requisite collateral security. In that case, the bank allows LIM as post import finance. Goods imported are stored in the godown under lock & key of the bank. Customers release goods through Delivery Order (DO) by making proportionate payment against goods.

Offers for Exporters

Various Supports that JBL Offers for Exporters are as follows:

Back-to-Back Letter of Creditfacility is allowed against confirmed Master (Export Order) LC/Contract of well-reputed buyers for procuring various raw materials from both local and international markets.

Packing Creditpopularly known as PC is allowed at 7% interest rate for financing cutting and manufacturing expenses. PC is allowed at 10% to 20% of export bill considering other financial obligations of the customer(s). However, it is allowed at the pre-shipment stage but when raw materials against respective export order is available at warehouse.

Overdraft popularly known as OD is allowed to Exporters for meeting any emergency working capital requirement.

Foreign Documentary Bill Purchase (FDBP) is allowed at the request of the exporter against complied export documents.

Local Documentary Bill Purchase (LDBP) is allowed as finance against Accepted deferred Export Bills of deemed Exporters. this is the most preferred mode of finance for JBL and JBL offers concessional rate of interest on this finance.

Offers to Contractors/Suppliers

Various Supports that JBL Offers to Contractors/Suppliers are as follows:Various supports that JBL offers to Contractors/Suppliers are as follows:

Bid Bondis allowed for helping Contractors/Suppliers for participating in different Tenders.

Overdraft (Pay Order)is allowed where Contractors/Suppliers are required to submit Pay Order in lieu of Bid Bond. JBL extends 90% finance in the form of Overdraft after depositing 10% cash margin by the Contractors/Suppliers for issuance of the Pay Order.

Performance Guarantee (PG) is allowed for ensuring Contractors’ /Suppliers’ performance of the Contract.

Advance Payment Guarantee (APG)is allowed for helping Contractors’ /Suppliers’ receipt of advance against the work from the Employer/Work Order awarding Agency

Overdraft (Work Order) is allowed as working capital for smooth execution of the work under a specific Work Order against assignment of entire bills under the Work Order. Finance is allowed for any construction work up to 20-30% of Work Order value, which is disbursed in phases based on satisfactory progress of work and for any Supply Order up to 60-70% of Supply Order value.

Security Bond (Payment Guarantee) is allowed in favor of various utility providing authorities, customers, shipping agents, Airlines, AITA, or any other purpose as per requirement within the purview of regulatory rules & regulations.

JBL also providesGuarantee against Counter Guarantee of any good rated foreign bank.

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ForEx Rates

Mon, Nov 6, 2023 10:52 AM

Currency Buying Selling
USD 110.5000 111.0000
EUR 118.6344 123.6145
GBP 135.6279 140.6240
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